Friday, March 21, 2008

Pornography & Sexual Addiction

"I look at pornography as an addiction. You keep craving something that is harder and harder... until you reach a point where pornography only goes so far. You reach that jumping-off point where you begin to wonder if actually doing it will give you that which is beyond just reading about it or look at it."

"Pornography is the gateway drug of most sexual addiction... Like any other addiction sex addiction is progressive. There is a built in dynamic that always drives the addict to the next level and the next."

"Sex that is void of intimacy (such as pornography & casual sex) works as addictively as any pill or injection. Sex provides a quick mood change. It is a reliable escape. It masks the pain. Eventually the sex addict becomes powerless over it. The addict goes out of control as the compulsion take control. Even harmful consequences cannot deter the sex addict's compulsion to repeat the act and find temporary relief. "


Andrew B said...

I saw your comment on the addiction to pornography and I think it is fairly accurate. I am a recovering sex addict and I have been in sexaholics anonymous for 3 years. Here is my blog

Are you in recovery or just lending an opinion to your thoughts on porno? Are you an addict? Curious to know your motivation for writing this?

KaTrInA said...

no it's not what your thinking andrew,i'm just lending an opinion and thoughts about pornography and addictions..